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[WC3] Castle Fight #347

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Лог лобби

05:45 Zadutia !го
08:19 mehrdad5100 !stats komo
10:58 komo_cakeps !ulti
11:00 mehrdad5100 !owner
11:26 mehrdad5100 i lovee you artass76
11:31 mehrdad5100 :D
12:07 mehrdad5100 i dont know you dont know me but well np
12:17 mehrdad5100 :D
12:25 mehrdad5100 )
12:55 mehrdad5100 I'M PRO
13:00 mehrdad5100 OVER 8 YEARS PLAY CF
16:35 mehrdad5100 ZzZzzZZzZz
16:46 mehrdad5100 still no one comming
17:00 mehrdad5100 +2
Началась игра

Лог игры

00:01 valeknide -zoom 3000
00:40 komo_cakeps sync to hall
00:44 mehrdad5100 dont sync in start
00:47 mehrdad5100 e need unit
00:49 mehrdad5100 we
00:54 mehrdad5100 a pro tip
00:57 Fired_Godzilla -zoom 191
00:59 Fired_Godzilla -cam 2.0
01:06 Fired_Godzilla -zoom 3000
01:30 mehrdad5100 now sync
02:12 valeknide sucub or lvl2 bear?
02:34 mehrdad5100 go up bear first
02:37 valeknide k
02:39 artass76 up near
02:39 mehrdad5100 we need takn
02:42 mehrdad5100 tank
03:10 mehrdad5100 also if you can go 1 more bear
03:17 artass76 up
03:18 artass76 mag
03:23 mehrdad5100 ik yea
03:40 mehrdad5100 up bear
04:02 Fired_Godzilla sync
07:23 mehrdad5100 next pp here
07:40 artass76 volcano
08:07 mehrdad5100 dont go moe goblin
08:13 mehrdad5100 volcano kill him
08:16 mehrdad5100 x2 enough
08:35 artass76 i1
08:53 mehrdad5100 i go first rs
09:02 mehrdad5100 np
09:04 mehrdad5100 i last rs
09:07 mehrdad5100 pink next
09:21 mehrdad5100 but well alwayz before use rs
09:23 mehrdad5100 say
09:25 mehrdad5100 gone rs
09:28 mehrdad5100 not like this
09:28 mehrdad5100 maybe
09:30 mehrdad5100 we lost
09:31 mehrdad5100 x2 rs
09:39 artass76 male cave
09:41 artass76 make
09:42 mehrdad5100 k
10:33 komo_cakeps eraser pls
11:14 komo_cakeps catapult
11:18 komo_cakeps 350
11:25 artass76 of
11:33 valeknide why
11:39 artass76 stop
11:42 artass76 this
11:51 artass76 not need now
11:55 valeknide :|
12:13 artass76 flag
12:53 artass76 flag
12:58 artass76 faer
13:02 mehrdad5100 i use flag
13:03 mehrdad5100 mate
13:12 mehrdad5100 but still move in cage
13:27 mehrdad5100 see ?
13:56 komo_cakeps eraser pls
14:14 Fired_Godzilla im playng 1st time
14:19 Fired_Godzilla eraser what is it
14:28 artass76 make dragon
14:28 komo_cakeps not you elf
14:33 Fired_Godzilla oh ok
14:38 komo_cakeps do buy your X
14:40 komo_cakeps the 650
14:52 mehrdad5100 build here good idea
14:59 valeknide pp
15:00 mehrdad5100 build goblin here
15:11 artass76 idiot gg
15:12 mehrdad5100 lol vlad
15:18 artass76 rs
15:22 komo_cakeps zzz
15:30 mehrdad5100 pink too late
15:33 mehrdad5100 i tell next pink
15:37 valeknide mb
15:38 valeknide sry
15:42 mehrdad5100 pink ?
15:46 mehrdad5100 np
15:49 mehrdad5100 its ok np
16:19 artass76 make aer
16:28 valeknide guys where is pp
16:34 valeknide whey re stacked
16:34 mehrdad5100 434
16:45 mehrdad5100 well pink a noob
16:57 mehrdad5100 even dont know what pp
17:12 mehrdad5100 np lets skip pp
17:20 mehrdad5100 power plant
17:26 valeknide ik
17:27 mehrdad5100 if you see pink
17:29 mehrdad5100 and ?
17:34 mehrdad5100 what problem
17:40 valeknide u had to build
18:04 mehrdad5100 noobs in 2-3 game play learn pp fast
18:07 mehrdad5100 you still not learn?
18:35 Fired_Godzilla gg
18:38 mehrdad5100 its basic
18:39 komo_cakeps dont know power plant?
18:51 mehrdad5100 pink dont kn ow
18:53 valeknide u hadnt built pp
18:53 mehrdad5100 he a noob
19:01 valeknide why am i noob
19:08 valeknide if u hadnt done this
19:21 mehrdad5100 well you blcok way pp
19:31 valeknide i didnt
19:31 mehrdad5100 go axe
19:32 mehrdad5100 pink
19:32 Fired_Godzilla what should i build
19:40 komo_cakeps water
19:41 komo_cakeps W
19:46 mehrdad5100 np anyway
19:47 Fired_Godzilla ap?
19:51 mehrdad5100 its over now
19:52 komo_cakeps yes ap fast
19:55 mehrdad5100 lets forget it
20:10 mehrdad5100 lol ?
20:13 mehrdad5100 why her
20:15 valeknide i gave space for pp but creeps stucked
20:43 mehrdad5100 sorry pink tell you noob
20:45 komo_cakeps just buy water or fire
20:48 Fired_Godzilla kk
20:54 valeknide its ok im noob ik this
21:01 mehrdad5100 np
21:03 mehrdad5100 you can learn
22:25 mehrdad5100 well green a noob
22:26 mehrdad5100 its over
22:36 mehrdad5100 gg
22:57 komo_cakeps sus
22:59 komo_cakeps gg
23:05 iferrio ruin
23:15 komo_cakeps its over
23:41 komo_cakeps not ruin
23:43 komo_cakeps volcano better
23:45 komo_cakeps he will cage
24:53 komo_cakeps me 1 volcano fast
27:38 komo_cakeps big treant coming
32:00 komo_cakeps dont imprison my sven
32:37 komo_cakeps mana gen this pls
43:45 komo_cakeps imagine making a base cage vs volcano books
43:51 komo_cakeps AND no coral
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