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[WC3] Castle Fight #615

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Лог лобби

10:08 Rubnik без опыта играбельно?
Началась игра

Лог игры

00:13 Trolis -zoom 2500
00:32 -OnlyLuck- пп10
00:42 FckUSpielberg загон
00:54 -OnlyLuck- пп10
01:38 master-6 !VOTEKCK zZz
02:50 master-6 !kick zZz
02:59 Rubnik строить арчеров?
03:03 FckUSpielberg нет
03:11 FckUSpielberg апни мечника
03:29 Trolis towr ?
03:32 Rubnik окей
03:34 FckUSpielberg -
03:35 Trolis eng
03:44 FckUSpielberg no need
03:46 Trolis 150 tower and deff
04:11 Trolis who then
04:25 FckUSpielberg 1
04:26 FckUSpielberg me
04:33 Trolis too late
05:09 FckUSpielberg build ruine
05:11 FckUSpielberg 200
05:14 Trolis why
05:22 FckUSpielberg you'll see
05:31 Trolis it all ready
05:33 Trolis just kiding
05:43 FckUSpielberg ah, ok
05:44 Rubnik how can i use my woods&
05:46 FckUSpielberg )
05:48 Rubnik ?
06:04 Trolis its only for special buildings
06:04 master-6 obn
06:07 master-6 щит
06:24 FckUSpielberg build magic sity
06:29 master-6 я
06:30 FckUSpielberg 240
06:31 Trolis you can see in menu
06:33 Rubnik okey
07:06 -OnlyLuck- ты 1
07:46 zZzaebete >>Враг ушел с линии!
07:46 master-6 щит сделай сука
07:51 -OnlyLuck- денег нет
10:40 master-6 апай
11:40 zZzaebete kto ?
11:44 -OnlyLuck- ты
14:59 master-6 я в ахуе от вас
15:42 FckUSpielberg hm
15:55 FckUSpielberg interesting
21:17 FckUSpielberg 37
22:09 Rubnik does that make sense to build the Treasure box for 350 gold to improve my income?
22:20 Trolis not now
22:26 zZzaebete vi po4emy ne sinxronite armiu ?
22:27 FckUSpielberg when you already have income >60
22:27 Rubnik ok
22:55 Trolis 25 % is nothing when you have small inc
23:02 Trolis 35 40
23:08 Trolis than you can
23:23 Rubnik im probably build the demon gate for 500
23:42 FckUSpielberg upgrade you chaos citaled
23:47 FckUSpielberg citadel
25:38 FckUSpielberg elements
25:42 FckUSpielberg shit
26:03 FckUSpielberg you need to bun north or elements
26:08 FckUSpielberg ban
26:11 Trolis go with troll
26:27 FckUSpielberg up trol
28:29 FckUSpielberg sinch on tank
28:39 FckUSpielberg Rub
28:44 Trolis not makeing rocket
28:56 FckUSpielberg no need
29:00 Trolis yes
29:20 Trolis this other robot is way better
30:21 FckUSpielberg mech you need to go so splash units
30:27 FckUSpielberg siege tanks or fireman
30:43 Rubnik so, maybe i will save up my money for another upg troll?
30:59 Trolis axe i gess
31:07 FckUSpielberg for now it is better axe
31:12 FckUSpielberg me 1st
32:20 FckUSpielberg (
32:22 FckUSpielberg early
32:29 FckUSpielberg i'va tols you i'm 1st
33:26 FckUSpielberg 27
33:29 FckUSpielberg 37
33:41 FckUSpielberg sinch to axe
34:38 Trolis why you dont make towers ?
34:59 FckUSpielberg can't you see turtles&
35:01 FckUSpielberg ?
36:57 FckUSpielberg power plant please
38:36 FckUSpielberg aaaa
38:41 FckUSpielberg fuck
38:48 FckUSpielberg wrong place
40:49 FckUSpielberg Trol could you please build poers plant?
40:57 FckUSpielberg power plant
40:59 Trolis need wood
41:11 Rubnik power plant?
41:15 Trolis yes
41:21 Trolis tech have it
42:57 Trolis >> Missing!
42:57 Trolis >> Missing!
44:10 Rubnik does it make sanse to buy castle items?
44:18 Trolis ofc
44:20 FckUSpielberg 600 and 650 yes
44:28 FckUSpielberg and cheese later
45:24 FckUSpielberg please put tank in here
45:31 FckUSpielberg and repairs
50:43 Rubnik is time for cheese?
50:52 FckUSpielberg yes
51:01 FckUSpielberg and build stun totem
51:48 Rubnik stasis tomem for 4.5 stun good or that waste crystal?
51:56 FckUSpielberg yes
52:05 Rubnik yes good?
52:07 FckUSpielberg and if you have them 5-6 sinchronized )
52:14 FckUSpielberg they just can't move
52:25 FckUSpielberg but biuld it under power plant
52:33 FckUSpielberg mh
52:45 FckUSpielberg but you didn't
52:51 Rubnik yea
54:11 FckUSpielberg hm
54:17 FckUSpielberg and why you did that mech?
54:34 FckUSpielberg i was thinking to put leg under pp
56:55 FckUSpielberg build 5-6 totems
57:05 FckUSpielberg and make them work one by one
57:14 Trolis in let me put pp in betwen
57:22 Rubnik of course>i will try
59:46 FckUSpielberg one more
59:48 FckUSpielberg totem
60:12 Rubnik but another cheese
60:15 Trolis and make shure that thay dont work at same time
60:16 Rubnik y
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