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[WC3] Castle Fight #304

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Лог лобби

08:11 Alpha) !stats uzb
23:06 ya_eblan228 Джайна
23:36 ya_eblan228 *тут должна быть коробящая шутка, но я её стер*
28:38 J.E.L !stats jain
28:42 J.E.L !stats ya_
28:51 J.E.L !stats ya_e
28:56 J.E.L !stats lol
29:40 serbianidiot !stats j.
29:45 serbianidiot sansa
Началась игра

Лог игры

00:00 ya_eblan228 -zoom 2666
00:02 serbianidiot -zoom 2500
00:05 jaina- -zoom 2500
00:06 J.E.L -zoom 3000
00:07 serbianidiot neka ovog
00:08 NothingHappens -zoom 2500
00:09 serbianidiot da vidimo
00:10 serbianidiot sansa
00:11 NothingHappens ok
00:38 serbianidiot odma naga :D
00:41 NothingHappens y
00:41 ya_eblan228 имба пик, ща раскатаем
00:45 NothingHappens dosadna
00:45 NothingHappens ;d
00:57 serbianidiot imam arty
00:58 serbianidiot sa pp
01:03 ya_eblan228 jaina, do you speak english or vodka?
01:23 ya_eblan228 ?
01:54 ya_eblan228 are you real serbian?
02:03 serbianidiot y
02:05 ya_eblan228 can you see cyrillic letters in WC3?
02:05 NothingHappens lol
02:09 NothingHappens we cant
02:12 ya_eblan228 hahaha
02:13 serbianidiot no, pirate
02:14 ya_eblan228 пизда
02:19 NothingHappens pirate w3
02:25 ya_eblan228 we all have it
02:48 ya_eblan228 but in Russian version we have cyrillic letters
02:53 NothingHappens we know
02:55 NothingHappens but we cant see them
03:09 serbianidiot this w3 does not support cyrilic
03:10 serbianidiot sadly
03:20 ya_eblan228 so what can you see rn? serbian or english?
03:29 serbianidiot eng
03:32 ya_eblan228 :(
03:42 jaina- 36
03:46 serbianidiot cudo ovaj nije rocket
03:49 jaina- da
03:56 ya_eblan228 pizda
03:58 NothingHappens jebem li ga
04:16 NothingHappens daj te slarkove mozda
04:18 NothingHappens da ja slardara
04:20 NothingHappens il sta
04:28 serbianidiot idi ti njih
04:31 serbianidiot ja cu upg 37
04:44 NothingHappens gle ovog
04:45 NothingHappens gira
04:52 NothingHappens ludak
04:59 serbianidiot padaju mu sanse
05:11 serbianidiot 37
06:27 ya_eblan228 хорошо идем
07:46 serbianidiot vulkan
07:49 serbianidiot oces cage
07:50 NothingHappens ae cage nesto
07:51 NothingHappens y
07:53 serbianidiot sa koralom
07:55 serbianidiot ae cekam linu
07:56 NothingHappens ofc
07:57 serbianidiot pa cu s njom
07:58 NothingHappens ne moras
07:59 NothingHappens linu
08:01 NothingHappens koral je dovoljan
08:19 NothingHappens close cage
08:29 serbianidiot with rocket tank
08:32 serbianidiot in case of tentacles
08:33 J.E.L no money
08:35 LOLFACE) early build vulkan
08:40 serbianidiot when u get
08:41 ya_eblan228 just in time
08:43 J.E.L y
08:47 jaina- manan
08:48 ya_eblan228 pay attention for its impact
08:54 LOLFACE) )
08:55 J.E.L 1
08:57 serbianidiot k
08:58 NothingHappens ok
09:06 ya_eblan228 а чё мы на ангельском?
09:11 LOLFACE) xz
09:14 ya_eblan228 джайна, на русском шпрехаешь?\
09:24 LOLFACE) fistashki budesh ?
10:08 jaina- 40
10:12 ya_eblan228 лол, сделай пожалуйста легендарное бревно
10:13 LOLFACE) dolgo 40
10:24 LOLFACE) ok
11:00 serbianidiot leave 1 slot for stun
11:08 ya_eblan228 два верта ору\
11:59 serbianidiot sta ce mu shield
11:59 serbianidiot ffs
12:07 NothingHappens nizasta
12:07 NothingHappens ;d
12:12 NothingHappens ko ce rs?
12:15 serbianidiot ti
12:19 NothingHappens ok
13:33 jaina- 52
13:35 ya_eblan228 -
13:36 ya_eblan228 -----
13:43 ya_eblan228 are you out of mind?
13:48 jaina- da
13:51 ya_eblan228 pizda
14:03 ya_eblan228 kakoi 52
14:19 ya_eblan228 pehota dva raza viidet za takoe vremya
14:19 jaina- da
15:13 ya_eblan228 kupil dudku, buben s vas
15:23 ya_eblan228 ya
15:24 ya_eblan228 1
15:24 jaina- 2
15:26 ya_eblan228 1
16:55 ya_eblan228 skoro taiming tsunami
17:11 NothingHappens eraser?
17:13 J.E.L ya
17:15 serbianidiot y
17:31 NothingHappens sync golem 60
17:37 NothingHappens on hydra
18:33 ya_eblan228 gidra
18:34 ya_eblan228 lol
18:42 ya_eblan228 more wyrms pls
18:59 jaina- obvio
19:26 jaina- drum tatay
20:27 ya_eblan228 lol
21:00 NothingHappens more gyro
21:02 NothingHappens mass gyro
21:24 ya_eblan228 -stats
23:28 NothingHappens daj i ti
23:29 NothingHappens air
23:29 NothingHappens mass
23:41 serbianidiot moram stun
23:42 serbianidiot jos 1
23:45 NothingHappens y
23:46 NothingHappens moze i to
24:34 serbianidiot heals
24:36 serbianidiot and dmg
24:36 serbianidiot go
25:27 LOLFACE) -away
28:22 NothingHappens -zoom 2500
28:27 NothingHappens pa
28:27 NothingHappens jel
28:28 NothingHappens realno
28:29 NothingHappens ;d
28:29 ya_eblan228 260
28:30 serbianidiot xd
28:42 jaina- red?
29:52 NothingHappens pticu
29:53 NothingHappens odmah idi
29:59 serbianidiot ulti sam
29:59 serbianidiot xd
30:03 serbianidiot 31
30:04 NothingHappens aa
30:19 NothingHappens pa sta cemo za air?
30:26 serbianidiot daj 175
30:36 NothingHappens jedino njega
30:38 NothingHappens al dzabe pored pucka
30:39 serbianidiot 0 towers D
30:55 NothingHappens moras ti
30:56 NothingHappens traxa
31:09 NothingHappens idi rsa
31:11 NothingHappens pa traxa
31:12 NothingHappens jbm li ga
31:13 serbianidiot me 1
31:23 serbianidiot ima ass
31:35 NothingHappens neka
31:45 ya_eblan228 -roll
32:13 jaina- 37
32:20 serbianidiot evo ga
32:21 serbianidiot odmah
32:24 serbianidiot ga stavio
32:25 serbianidiot usta ga
32:28 serbianidiot i jos air
32:29 serbianidiot ide
32:38 NothingHappens pa skontali su
32:41 NothingHappens da smo kanta vs air
32:53 NothingHappens al vulkan i orakle mozda
32:55 NothingHappens sta znam
33:01 NothingHappens i ti zmiju
33:03 NothingHappens il knjigu
33:12 NothingHappens mora i on
33:13 NothingHappens 120
33:17 serbianidiot go 120
33:18 serbianidiot and upg
34:31 NothingHappens you 2
34:33 NothingHappens upg that
34:33 NothingHappens 230
34:34 J.E.L k
34:36 NothingHappens for vipers
35:02 NothingHappens hex
35:03 NothingHappens oni
35:07 serbianidiot ffs
35:11 NothingHappens stavicu slarka
35:52 ya_eblan228 gg
37:42 NothingHappens jos 1 traxa
37:44 NothingHappens idi posle
37:45 NothingHappens il upg tog
37:46 serbianidiot y
39:41 ya_eblan228 who is the 1st?
39:45 jaina- 2
39:47 ya_eblan228 1
39:49 ya_eblan228 then
40:34 NothingHappens sa hidrom
40:35 NothingHappens traxa
42:17 LOLFACE) -away
43:15 jaina- ?
43:18 LOLFACE) ce eto bilo ?)
43:21 ya_eblan228 it could got worse
43:28 LOLFACE) fokus mokus
43:32 ya_eblan228 i mean, stacked mini hydras\
43:36 ya_eblan228 after the rs
43:38 jaina- 2
45:19 serbianidiot banshee dobio :D
45:23 NothingHappens y
45:25 NothingHappens sa herojima
45:25 ya_eblan228 vsosali ok
45:36 NothingHappens ne znam sto je ovaj
45:37 NothingHappens traxa isao
45:38 NothingHappens ovde
45:47 NothingHappens starfall bi nas usro
45:51 serbianidiot y
45:53 ya_eblan228 nado bilo ptis stakat vmesto incubov
46:09 jaina- ultimate win
46:40 jaina- atention
46:43 jaina- ultimate
46:46 serbianidiot wait
46:47 serbianidiot def
46:52 ya_eblan228 ?
47:03 ya_eblan228 did you just came
47:13 ya_eblan228 or what do you want to say
48:38 J.E.L 1
48:39 NothingHappens who 1?
48:41 NothingHappens ok
49:09 NothingHappens ima
49:10 NothingHappens kurac
50:00 serbianidiot twr
50:01 serbianidiot maybe
50:02 serbianidiot human
50:18 ya_eblan228 stop?
50:38 serbianidiot qop
50:40 serbianidiot and puck
50:41 serbianidiot focus
50:56 NothingHappens healer
50:58 NothingHappens focus
50:59 NothingHappens first
51:03 serbianidiot ja cu
51:08 NothingHappens ok
52:35 NothingHappens e moram ici
52:37 NothingHappens ovaj poranio
52:39 serbianidiot ae
52:51 NothingHappens gtg
52:52 NothingHappens good luck
53:14 jaina- 35
53:24 ya_eblan228 we have 39
53:26 ya_eblan228 a bear
55:53 serbianidiot turn off that air
55:54 serbianidiot pls
56:20 LOLFACE) -away
56:34 ya_eblan228 :D
56:35 ya_eblan228 XD
56:38 J.E.L shit
56:40 ya_eblan228 too greedy
56:56 ya_eblan228 gg
57:50 serbianidiot turn off cage now
58:00 ya_eblan228 jaina stop lagging
58:19 jaina- waiting
58:57 ya_eblan228 got 600
59:09 jaina- -zoom 2800
60:26 serbianidiot mortar
60:38 serbianidiot turn off that barracks
60:42 J.E.L already
60:45 serbianidiot k
60:52 ya_eblan228 man its annoying
60:56 J.E.L mortar will die with volcano
60:58 J.E.L ?
61:00 ya_eblan228 where are you playing from?
61:05 serbianidiot y
61:08 serbianidiot but need smth vs tiny
62:04 jaina- atention fast win
62:06 serbianidiot brooo
62:06 ya_eblan228 "fast"
62:07 jaina- 0 rc win
62:18 ya_eblan228 we are playing for eternity
62:23 ya_eblan228 like 1.5hr here
62:29 jaina- red
62:36 ya_eblan228 it got even longer with your lags
62:55 ya_eblan228 oh, still isnt win
63:22 J.E.L damn
63:23 J.E.L lag
63:24 J.E.L fuck
63:32 ya_eblan228 чел, давай его нахуй выкинем?
63:33 serbianidiot annoying
63:34 ya_eblan228 как он заебал
63:35 ya_eblan228 клянусь
63:38 LOLFACE) D
63:43 LOLFACE) pust igraet )
63:47 ya_eblan228 к
63:47 jaina- red mana
63:51 ya_eblan228 dont
63:57 ya_eblan228 it has reduced effect
64:00 ya_eblan228 to nonelemental
64:07 ya_eblan228 wait, we dont have mana
64:23 jaina- :)
64:30 serbianidiot put generator
64:31 serbianidiot on stun
64:44 ya_eblan228 mom, buy tsunami. -no son, we have tsunami at home
64:48 ya_eblan228 tsunami at home:
64:54 ya_eblan228 10 water elementals
64:58 jaina- 670 gold red
65:00 jaina- red afk
65:13 serbianidiot can u kick the lagger
65:13 serbianidiot ffs
65:18 LOLFACE) D
65:24 ya_eblan228 i suggested this to my ally
65:24 ya_eblan228 he refused
65:27 LOLFACE) why are you lagging ?)
65:27 ya_eblan228 it pisses me off so hard
65:30 ya_eblan228 1
65:41 LOLFACE) problem with modem ?
65:49 serbianidiot just DO IT!
65:50 LOLFACE) -away
65:53 jaina- yes
65:58 ya_eblan228 stop downloading 50gb of child porn
66:06 ya_eblan228 just press Pause
66:12 jaina- antivirus actualizated
66:27 jaina- ?
66:44 ya_eblan228 ofjsdogosdnbgoupidsfhp[osahjgfa
66:47 ya_eblan228 |gandon
66:50 serbianidiot kick ffs
66:52 jaina- i sorry
66:57 ya_eblan228 you lag on cd
66:58 LOLFACE) -away
67:00 ya_eblan228 every second
67:02 ya_eblan228 literally
67:05 ya_eblan228 !vk jai
67:13 jaina- ok
67:42 ya_eblan228 who?
67:47 LOLFACE) jaina go
68:18 ya_eblan228 лол, хватит их строить
68:26 ya_eblan228 разбавь драконами и медведями пожалуйста
68:32 LOLFACE) sha
68:37 serbianidiot eraser
68:39 serbianidiot go other unit
68:40 serbianidiot elem
68:44 serbianidiot go birds
68:45 serbianidiot mass
69:39 ya_eblan228 rs?
69:42 jaina- red
69:51 jaina- afk
69:52 serbianidiot Gg
69:56 ya_eblan228 gg
69:59 J.E.L too fready
70:02 J.E.L *gready
70:04 ya_eblan228 two cumbacks
70:06 J.E.L hehe
70:18 ya_eblan228 i blame blue
70:22 J.E.L good player
70:23 ya_eblan228 we have eblan in the team
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