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[WC3] Random Farm TD #33

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Команда 1

  • Iccup
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  • EuropeBattle
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Лог лобби

07:49 gatsi !vs
08:12 fuckswarm !го
Началась игра

Лог игры

00:03 fuckswarm -extreme
00:06 gatsi hello
00:16 fuckswarm hi
00:55 gatsi people only play custom games?
01:19 fuckswarm no
01:41 gatsi which service r u using
01:50 fuckswarm iccup
01:57 gatsi i couldnt find anyone to play normal warcraft gaems
02:25 fuckswarm normal - is for building?
02:36 gatsi what u mean?
02:41 gatsi this is my 3rd game
02:41 gatsi D
02:44 gatsi dont knows hit
03:04 fuckswarm normal maps - maps for building, you mean? not dota etc?
03:07 gatsi yes
03:25 fuckswarm in this case, yes, people play only custom maps)
03:45 gatsi if i want to play that kind i should get official right?
04:04 fuckswarm yes, this will be best choise
04:18 gatsi in this td i only can get random towers?
04:24 fuckswarm +
04:39 gatsi can i host normal games?
04:53 fuckswarm you play on iccup?
04:57 gatsi no euro
05:17 fuckswarm i don't know how to host normal map on euro, sorry
05:25 gatsi on iccuP/
05:41 gatsi is it possible?
05:45 fuckswarm you can write /chost on chat
05:54 fuckswarm and see code for normal map
06:15 fuckswarm for example - /host tr (turtle rock) YOUR_HOST_NAME
08:05 gatsi fishes r useless?
08:11 fuckswarm no
08:20 fuckswarm sell your fish after 35 level
08:24 gatsi then why r you stacking them
08:27 gatsi oh
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