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[WC3] Castle Fight #177

Команда 1
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Команда 2

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Лог лобби

15:16 GhostOfChance jebeno je
15:19 GhostOfChance kad ne ume
15:21 GhostOfChance ovaj treci
15:24 Dodji_Ukljuci y
15:27 GhostOfChance mada si i ti sjebo proslu :D
15:30 Dodji_Ukljuci y
16:51 GhostOfChance nema ovog
16:54 GhostOfChance afka
17:15 Dodji_Ukljuci ma da
17:18 Dodji_Ukljuci odo da legnem
17:20 Dodji_Ukljuci tu sam kad pocne
Началась игра

Лог игры

00:00 hellscream000 -zoom 3800.0000000000000000000000000.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
00:05 GhostOfChance !vk tvar
00:08 GhostOfChance -zoom 2500
00:08 Dodji_Ukljuci -zoom 2500
00:33 pixelpixel pp10
00:44 Cyber_Boops pp est?
00:48 pixelpixel +
00:52 Cyber_Boops ok
00:54 pixelpixel i mana generator
00:55 pixelpixel ))
01:20 hellscream000 we lose before use them:)
01:26 pixelpixel (
01:50 GhostOfChance ovaj je assa mozda
02:06 Dodji_Ukljuci izgleda
02:26 pixelpixel 1
02:32 pixelpixel ok
03:12 hellscream000 2
03:17 Dodji_Ukljuci 36
03:21 GhostOfChance cek njega
03:23 GhostOfChance za 37
03:25 GhostOfChance upgrade
03:48 Cyber_Boops assasinka to pizda
03:55 pixelpixel ugu
05:56 pixelpixel o
05:57 Cyber_Boops na pechotu
05:57 pixelpixel poshli
06:26 GhostOfChance jasta su
06:31 GhostOfChance pofarmace ih pudge
06:31 GhostOfChance sad
06:33 GhostOfChance ;d
07:06 GhostOfChance a i ti nekra
07:08 GhostOfChance na assa
07:08 GhostOfChance cc
07:13 Dodji_Ukljuci xd
08:16 GhostOfChance make hex
09:39 GhostOfChance not that
09:41 GhostOfChance the other one
09:42 GhostOfChance hex
09:49 Cyber_Boops synchron
10:05 Cyber_Boops na pudga
10:25 pixelpixel ?
11:44 Dodji_Ukljuci cekam decay
12:01 Dodji_Ukljuci il aj prvo jednog ovog
12:03 Dodji_Ukljuci za tinija
12:13 Cyber_Boops pp budet?
12:17 Cyber_Boops ok
12:22 pixelpixel net
12:37 GhostOfChance treba decay
12:39 GhostOfChance za warlocka
12:43 Dodji_Ukljuci cekam sad
13:07 pixelpixel a nahera ti warloka
13:09 pixelpixel pod pp
13:39 Dodji_Ukljuci dajte drumove
13:47 GhostOfChance y
13:48 GhostOfChance cekam
14:11 GhostOfChance mislio sam izguracemo
14:13 GhostOfChance bez linkera
14:18 GhostOfChance al sad mora vec
16:03 Cyber_Boops gg
18:44 GhostOfChance defender
18:44 GhostOfChance make
20:09 GhostOfChance build everything in pp
20:11 GhostOfChance because of ice
20:52 Dodji_Ukljuci 34
22:33 hellscream000 37
23:02 Dodji_Ukljuci da l zna ovaj pp
23:13 GhostOfChance isao je grifina na pecurku
23:15 GhostOfChance sumnjiv je
23:45 hellscream000 1
23:45 pixelpixel who 1
23:48 pixelpixel ok
24:59 GhostOfChance nije ni syncan
25:48 Dodji_Ukljuci who?
25:49 GhostOfChance me 1
26:04 Dodji_Ukljuci dont go air bro
26:07 Dodji_Ukljuci he has mushroom
26:22 tvar_na_meepo2 then what i should to do?
26:29 GhostOfChance sniper
26:38 tvar_na_meepo2 ok
26:44 GhostOfChance and warlock
26:45 GhostOfChance 300
26:58 GhostOfChance oh
27:00 GhostOfChance we have
27:01 GhostOfChance pp
27:09 GhostOfChance it should go in that spot
27:34 Dodji_Ukljuci turn off air
27:35 Dodji_Ukljuci now
28:13 tvar_na_meepo2 is it ok now?
28:19 GhostOfChance sniper upgrade 180
28:22 GhostOfChance for ground
28:23 Dodji_Ukljuci upg sniper
29:03 Dodji_Ukljuci sync 36
29:55 GhostOfChance daj pp sto pre
29:57 GhostOfChance da ne sjebe i drugi
30:06 Dodji_Ukljuci upg sniper
30:11 Dodji_Ukljuci after that, go 260
30:21 GhostOfChance yes
30:24 GhostOfChance 260 and 300
30:33 tvar_na_meepo2 ok
30:48 Dodji_Ukljuci imaju drum
30:49 Dodji_Ukljuci ffs
31:01 Dodji_Ukljuci after upg
31:05 Dodji_Ukljuci wait for double unit
31:08 Dodji_Ukljuci your legendary
31:13 Dodji_Ukljuci shrine
31:22 Dodji_Ukljuci evo ga
31:23 Dodji_Ukljuci ffs
31:28 GhostOfChance pa y
31:31 GhostOfChance ovde je jedina sreca
31:33 GhostOfChance sto horn imam i ja
31:33 GhostOfChance ;d
31:35 Dodji_Ukljuci y
31:53 tvar_na_meepo2 so, now i'll 300
31:57 tvar_na_meepo2 after shrine?
32:01 Dodji_Ukljuci y
32:03 GhostOfChance yes
32:04 Dodji_Ukljuci after
32:31 Dodji_Ukljuci now wait 550
32:37 Dodji_Ukljuci "X" building
32:43 tvar_na_meepo2 ok
33:53 tvar_na_meepo2 where i have build 550?
34:02 GhostOfChance here
34:04 GhostOfChance where i stand
34:18 GhostOfChance good
34:40 GhostOfChance daj pp negde
34:44 Dodji_Ukljuci cek
34:46 Dodji_Ukljuci upg sam ovog
34:53 Dodji_Ukljuci aj na hornove
35:02 Dodji_Ukljuci who rs?
35:17 Dodji_Ukljuci uzmi ti 650
35:18 GhostOfChance nemoj ga pitati
35:20 GhostOfChance nego naredi
35:20 GhostOfChance ;d
35:22 GhostOfChance hocu
36:23 Dodji_Ukljuci keep building
36:27 Dodji_Ukljuci just dont go air
36:27 GhostOfChance yeah
36:30 GhostOfChance go sniper
36:33 Dodji_Ukljuci go snipers/265
36:33 GhostOfChance but upg
36:37 GhostOfChance 160 some
36:40 GhostOfChance they start air
37:02 Dodji_Ukljuci if possible, build like this
37:08 Dodji_Ukljuci this pattern
37:15 tvar_na_meepo2 ok
37:27 tvar_na_meepo2 should i build a artillery?
37:32 Dodji_Ukljuci yes
37:35 Dodji_Ukljuci if possilbe
37:36 GhostOfChance yes
37:38 GhostOfChance mass
37:38 Dodji_Ukljuci pattern
37:39 GhostOfChance later
39:00 Dodji_Ukljuci you missed
39:02 Dodji_Ukljuci but nvm
39:05 Dodji_Ukljuci just build
39:18 tvar_na_meepo2 sry ok
39:32 pixelpixel kto 2
41:15 Dodji_Ukljuci go more 265
41:22 hellscream000 its gg,bad random both rounds
41:30 tvar_na_meepo2 ok
41:43 tvar_na_meepo2 need upg 265?
41:45 Dodji_Ukljuci y
41:47 GhostOfChance yeah
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