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[WC3] YouTD #51

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Лог лобби

03:07 irinatbot101 !VS
04:24 -sandro- ghbdtn
04:26 -sandro- привет
04:35 irinatbot101 !VS
05:09 -sandro- какой лвл
05:11 irinatbot101 !VS
05:14 irinatbot101 !vs
05:17 -sandro- lvl ?
05:25 irinatbot101 256
05:27 irinatbot101 and you
05:27 -sandro- ok
05:30 -sandro- lane alied go
05:33 irinatbot101 do you an to be host?
05:33 -sandro- extreme
05:33 -sandro- ofc
05:36 elita777 !го
05:40 -sandro- yep maybe
05:41 irinatbot101 solo
05:42 -sandro- to make mod
05:42 irinatbot101 lane
05:47 irinatbot101 solo mode
05:48 -sandro- alied interestin
05:48 irinatbot101 no allied
05:51 -sandro- solo is not
05:55 irinatbot101 !vs
05:58 -sandro- no sense to play solo
05:58 irinatbot101 solo
Началась игра

Лог игры

00:04 -sandro- why did u start
00:08 -sandro- i fucking told you
00:12 -sandro- that i want lane alied
00:21 elita777 -load 9582FAD96DAAE54E
00:24 irinatbot101 -load F5E9 EFCF 2G96 7F93
00:27 -sandro- what s the point ?
00:34 -sandro- why not lane alied
00:35 -sandro- ?
00:49 -sandro- hey
01:08 -sandro- you muted or what ?
01:11 -sandro- why solo ?
01:24 irinatbot101 !ready
01:31 -sandro- braindead retarded piece of shit
01:36 elita777 -readu
01:37 irinatbot101 !vs
01:38 elita777 -ready
01:40 irinatbot101 -redy
01:45 irinatbot101 -ready
04:02 elita777 -ao sorc
04:05 elita777 -ao crit
04:07 elita777 -ao sharp
04:09 irinatbot101 -ao sorc
04:12 elita777 -ao speed
04:12 irinatbot101 -ao crit
04:15 elita777 -ao exub
04:15 irinatbot101 -ao sharp
04:17 elita777 ы
04:17 irinatbot101 -ao speed
09:45 elita777 -ao seek
21:44 elita777 -save
21:45 elita777 ы
24:57 elita777 плз пауза
25:00 elita777 5 минут?
26:02 elita777 -save
28:56 irinatbot101 -set 1
28:59 irinatbot101 -add 1
29:21 irinatbot101 -set 2
29:25 irinatbot101 -add 2
31:57 irinatbot101 fuking invisible
32:46 irinatbot101 gg
32:48 irinatbot101 ff
33:10 elita777 я ваще в магазин бегал)
33:11 elita777 -save
33:35 irinatbot101 i am bot
33:37 irinatbot101 but i lost
33:57 irinatbot101 fuck your method
34:07 irinatbot101 using skink
Конец лога игры
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