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[WC3] Castle Fight #123

Команда 2
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Команда 1

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Команда 2

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Лог лобби

02:36 kodel_tu fucking retard
02:40 hellscream000 stupid
02:49 kodel_tu i will eat your ass
02:50 hellscream000 built 3 leg for human
02:51 kodel_tu faggot
03:22 hellscream000 fucking retard,45 min we wait for draw and you didnt build
03:41 kodel_tu what to build idiot too many units
03:47 kodel_tu few times
03:47 hellscream000 one of the worst player i ever seen
03:58 hellscream000 just artillery
03:59 kodel_tu it was draw
04:05 kodel_tu THEY HAD CORAL
04:08 kodel_tu idiot
04:08 hellscream000 not fucking shrine
04:13 kodel_tu LANES FOR CORALS
04:18 kodel_tu u fucking moro
04:23 hellscream000 and how we destroyed 70 building??
04:47 kodel_tu i saw youyr piular
04:50 kodel_tu pillar
04:57 kodel_tu dont talk
05:04 kodel_tu fucking troll
05:23 kodel_tu cage start with pillar
05:25 hellscream000 ye just fuck off and play,we won the game 1 second after kick you
05:25 kodel_tu :DDDDDDDdd
05:29 kodel_tu never saw that
05:57 kodel_tu i bought quad and dd
05:59 kodel_tu noob
06:06 kodel_tu thats why we push
06:13 kodel_tu what u win :DD
06:29 hellscream000 that round was rmk
06:32 Hailraik 2x2?
06:38 hellscream000 next round we won
06:41 hellscream000 !vs
Началась игра

Лог игры

00:01 ti_shiza -zoom 2222
00:05 hellscream000 -zoom 3800
00:12 hellscream000 !vk kodel
00:20 ti_shiza !yes
00:29 kodel_tu !vk hell
00:34 ti_shiza daun
00:36 ti_shiza on ne vidit
00:36 ti_shiza boje
00:38 hellscream000 !vk kodel
00:50 kodel_tu ! vk hell
01:44 ti_shiza 31
01:46 ti_shiza 31
01:54 ti_shiza !stats wisk
01:59 ti_shiza !vk wisk
02:08 ti_shiza kikai on ne sincronit
02:09 ti_shiza nihuya
02:20 ti_shiza gospadi
02:27 ti_shiza cant sync units
02:29 ti_shiza its over
02:36 ti_shiza STRAFF
02:38 ti_shiza GP{PG{{PGGP{GP{
07:23 kodel_tu leg
07:25 kodel_tu ancient
09:07 kodel_tu me
09:21 kodel_tu up
10:10 kodel_tu up troll too
12:43 Hailraik go next&
12:45 Hailraik ?
13:20 hellscream000 who use?
Конец лога игры
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