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[WC3] Castle Fight #168

Команда 2
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Команда 1

  • IrinaBot
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  • RuBattle
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Команда 2

  • RuBattle
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  • Iccup
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  • IrinaBot
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Лог лобби

10:12 ProsorSmash2.0 !vs
Началась игра

Лог игры

00:07 me-ch -zoom 3222
00:43 lazaruseffect- !votekick sta
00:51 lazaruseffect- go mech
01:00 me-ch !yes
02:56 me-ch u 1st
03:00 lazaruseffect- y
03:00 Kerch_Vlados думаеться мне
03:04 Kerch_Vlados фалкона над кикать
03:09 Kerch_Vlados пауки тут нахуя я хз
03:46 lazaruseffect- i go tower
05:13 lazaruseffect- 37
05:59 ProsorSmash2.0 spiders
06:01 ProsorSmash2.0 in cage
06:05 Falcon7755 ok
06:20 Kerch_Vlados yo
06:25 ProsorSmash2.0 español?
06:42 Kerch_Vlados по русски не говорите?)
07:26 Kerch_Vlados hi gays dont speak russian?))
07:32 ProsorSmash2.0 nope
07:43 Kerch_Vlados o j)
07:55 Kerch_Vlados 35)
09:45 Kerch_Vlados tentakless?
09:56 ProsorSmash2.0 k
16:08 ProsorSmash2.0 tidas
16:09 ProsorSmash2.0 tidal
16:20 Kerch_Vlados falkon
16:23 Falcon7755 ?
16:23 Kerch_Vlados leg
16:29 Kerch_Vlados units
16:36 Kerch_Vlados aoe heal
17:03 Falcon7755 what u want to build ?
17:19 Kerch_Vlados ancient of life up
17:24 Kerch_Vlados for legs
18:11 Falcon7755 ancient of woodnes ?
18:19 Kerch_Vlados nope
18:23 Kerch_Vlados look
18:25 ProsorSmash2.0 ancient of life
18:26 Falcon7755 ok
18:26 ProsorSmash2.0 up
18:37 Kerch_Vlados this
18:41 Kerch_Vlados nise)
18:45 Kerch_Vlados like you)
18:49 Falcon7755 :)
18:50 Kerch_Vlados go air
18:56 Falcon7755 i take drums
19:48 Kerch_Vlados we go air)
19:58 Kerch_Vlados falkon more tini
20:01 Kerch_Vlados giant
20:03 Kerch_Vlados sone
20:06 Falcon7755 ok
20:17 ProsorSmash2.0 who rs?
20:18 Kerch_Vlados z
20:20 Kerch_Vlados i
20:31 Falcon7755 1
21:27 Kerch_Vlados and
21:30 Kerch_Vlados in cage
21:33 Kerch_Vlados heal
21:36 Kerch_Vlados 1
21:44 Kerch_Vlados beorn heal)
21:54 ProsorSmash2.0 they have eraser
22:06 Kerch_Vlados and what?))
22:23 ProsorSmash2.0 need diferent units in cage
23:07 Kerch_Vlados heal
23:10 Kerch_Vlados in cage
23:14 Kerch_Vlados falkon
23:26 Falcon7755 make shamon ?
23:31 Kerch_Vlados +
24:19 lazaruseffect- gg
24:19 Kerch_Vlados o j
24:25 Kerch_Vlados no sy
25:20 me-ch 1 slot for eraser
25:35 lazaruseffect- here
27:02 ProsorSmash2.0 28
27:08 lazaruseffect- up
27:10 lazaruseffect- troll
27:38 ProsorSmash2.0 sync 28
29:10 lazaruseffect- make anti air tower
29:28 me-ch 175
29:34 me-ch 145 only
29:37 lazaruseffect- you rs
29:40 lazaruseffect- + tower
31:00 lazaruseffect- 39
46:56 ProsorSmash2.0 go air
46:56 ProsorSmash2.0 man
46:58 Falcon7755 i go rs
47:19 ProsorSmash2.0 mass air
47:23 ProsorSmash2.0 and 2 golden shrine
48:02 lazaruseffect- ez
48:22 ProsorSmash2.0 linker and mass elemental-
48:24 ProsorSmash2.0 Very ez
48:35 lazaruseffect- onlu 8
48:37 lazaruseffect- ^^
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