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[WC3] Castle Fight #51

Команда 2
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Команда 2

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Лог лобби

06:02 Arthas_SVK 0:7 :D:D
06:20 me-ch pochti james bond
06:36 Arthas_SVK james blond
06:45 Arthas_SVK =)
06:56 me-ch !ping
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Лог игры

00:00 me-ch -zoom 3000
00:07 StaVraKasGR -zoom 2500
00:11 Puhiii мишка
00:15 StaVraKasGR -zoom 2750
00:18 me-ch zagon sperva malenkii
00:22 Puhiii воу
00:24 me-ch sverhu
00:28 Puhiii \
00:30 me-ch potom pp
00:39 StaVraKasGR 290
00:50 Arthas_SVK if we loose not 4 that faulth ..
01:12 Puhiii why u build down&
01:22 Arthas_SVK dont know always there
01:24 me-ch est ohuhenie chto pozda
01:30 Puhiii we losseeee
01:37 Puhiii noods
01:38 me-ch azaz
01:41 me-ch azazazzzzz
01:42 Arthas_SVK yea for that reason :D
01:55 Puhiii build 235
01:58 Puhiii here
02:51 me-ch ja 1 rs
02:52 me-ch dam
03:07 Puhiii yeah
03:28 Puhiii noobs vs noobs and me)
03:38 Puhiii 38
03:39 Puhiii 39
03:45 Arthas_SVK §u have 0_7 score :D
03:48 Puhiii synh
03:57 Arthas_SVK i have
03:59 Puhiii synh
04:13 Puhiii Y
04:17 Puhiii synh
04:47 me-ch pp 8
05:33 Puhiii up drake
05:44 Arthas_SVK next
05:52 Arthas_SVK more melee needed to stop them
06:16 Arthas_SVK yes
06:19 Puhiii synh
06:26 Puhiii сука
06:33 Puhiii я так заебался на английком писать
06:42 Arthas_SVK tower where
06:49 Arthas_SVK tio ir botom
07:27 Puhiii synh noobs
07:45 Puhiii click Y and put on building
09:22 Puhiii drakess
09:27 Puhiii build
09:30 Puhiii many
10:41 me-ch noooo))))
10:46 StaVraKasGR sorry
10:56 Puhiii horn
11:03 Puhiii u stupid
11:09 Puhiii where
11:12 Puhiii horn\
11:22 Puhiii 225 750
11:28 Puhiii buil there
11:39 Puhiii noob
12:23 Puhiii up trnt
12:26 Puhiii leg
13:21 madara215 volcano norm?
13:30 me-ch volcano ogon!
13:35 me-ch vaaabshe
13:35 madara215 ebashu?
13:36 Puhiii horn give 66% at spd
13:39 madara215 9l 1 raz igray
13:42 Puhiii buil noob
13:50 me-ch da delaj
13:51 Puhiii human
13:58 me-ch igrai kak tebe hochetsa)
14:04 Arthas_SVK me ?? horn ?
14:09 madara215 vse ravno na pobedku
14:12 madara215 ho4etsa
14:15 Puhiii no
14:19 Puhiii hu,an
14:41 Arthas_SVK -6 armor
16:22 Puhiii control
17:55 Puhiii horn
17:56 Puhiii 2
18:05 Puhiii here
18:11 Puhiii need one more
22:05 Puhiii need all synh
22:14 Puhiii on 39
22:19 Puhiii bear
23:55 Puhiii dont understand
24:02 Puhiii SYNH ALL 39
26:15 me-ch pokupaite runu za 500
26:35 me-ch ona remintiruet
26:39 me-ch doma
28:00 Puhiii flag
30:30 me-ch za 500 u vseh est runa?
32:26 Puhiii e
32:33 madara215 vashe ni4o ne ponimay
32:40 madara215 no interesno
33:09 Puhiii )))
33:17 Puhiii u dont know&
33:26 Puhiii 260
33:31 Puhiii buuils
33:34 Puhiii buils
33:47 Puhiii build 260 fairie dragon
34:21 Puhiii chaos
34:23 me-ch synh 29
34:27 Puhiii build 230
34:31 Puhiii sukubus
34:33 StaVraKasGR we need buct
34:51 madara215 33
35:14 madara215 power plant stavit?
35:38 me-ch pod geroev da
35:41 me-ch mozno
38:00 Puhiii lobus
38:04 Puhiii 260 build
38:09 Puhiii fucking noob
39:02 me-ch madara pp 10 umeesh?
39:10 madara215 4to eto
39:17 madara215 power plant
39:19 madara215 yzat?
39:24 me-ch nad pudgem pp postav
39:33 madara215 power plant?
39:34 madara215 ok
39:36 me-ch vot gde ja stoju
39:40 madara215 horosho
39:45 madara215 v plotnyu?
39:52 me-ch da)
39:58 madara215 kk nakoply postavly
40:52 me-ch suda
40:54 me-ch sps
41:00 me-ch ti krut
41:13 me-ch 4 + 4 + 2
42:56 me-ch madar
43:01 madara215 ?
43:03 me-ch sdelaj robota
43:08 me-ch za 375
43:18 madara215 okolo pp stavly
43:18 me-ch pod power plant ego postav
43:19 Puhiii air Н
43:22 me-ch aga
43:26 Puhiii Y on red dragon
43:47 me-ch apgreid ego
43:55 me-ch budem robot
43:56 madara215 kak nakoply
44:18 madara215 pod teb9l synhr?
44:25 me-ch nr
44:27 me-ch ne
45:02 madara215 robot v processe
45:07 me-ch ugu
45:17 Puhiii )
45:23 me-ch on po wozduhu silno pulaet
45:34 Arthas_SVK meaby mines 1. victory
45:45 Arthas_SVK :P
45:48 me-ch robota remont
46:04 madara215 ebat raz'eb ustroil
46:17 me-ch fontan))
46:20 me-ch ot robota
46:38 madara215 girocopteri norm?
47:05 madara215 go eshe 1 pp
47:14 me-ch giroloptri tolko po vozduhu
47:19 me-ch strelajut
48:11 madara215 mech
48:14 me-ch a
48:15 madara215 go eshe pp
48:18 madara215 viebem
48:21 me-ch go
48:52 madara215 kuda postavim
48:54 Arthas_SVK melee or ranger?
49:03 me-ch nad senom
49:09 Arthas_SVK 600
49:12 Puhiii sec\
49:19 Arthas_SVK 700
49:23 Arthas_SVK or special building ?
49:30 Arthas_SVK 850
49:42 Puhiii fire
49:48 Arthas_SVK volcano ?
49:52 Puhiii +
49:59 Arthas_SVK hm ?
50:07 Arthas_SVK build it...
50:11 Arthas_SVK 1100g
50:35 Puhiii i very bad kno eng
50:38 Puhiii i rus
50:44 me-ch u tebja ehe est jashiki
50:52 me-ch oni delajut remont
51:59 me-ch 2 hvatit
52:23 me-ch stroi ehe chto nit
53:00 Arthas_SVK volcano ok
54:12 me-ch norm
54:20 me-ch gg
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